Traditional marketing isn’t cost effective

Traditional marketing methods, like commercials and pop-up ads, attempt to capture attention by interrupting customers while they are doing something else. These methods are often called “push marketing” because customers see them whether they are interested or not. While push marketing techniques can be effective at building awareness, they can be expensive. Worse, in a world where 98% of the population cannot focus on more than one thing at a time as a result of information overload, push marketing has lost much of its effectiveness. People don’t want to be interrupted by commercials or ads that have no relevance to them.

By contrast, “pull marketing” techniques are directed at customers specifically searching for information. Because you are only reaching customers who are interested, it’s more cost-effective and is more likely to convert into a sale.

Content marketing is affordable and effective

Content marketing is a strategic, pull-marketing approach focused on creating targeted content for a very specific audience. For a small business on the rise, it’s an essential investment that offers the highest probability of return.

Here are just a few of the ways businesses can use content marketing to reach their goals:

  1. goal 1

    Attract and gain trust of a target market.

  2. goal 2

    Create a community where the target audience can share information.

  3. goal 3

    Capture a potential customer’s contact information.

  4. goal 4

    Nurture existing customers through email or social media.

  5. goal 5

    Prequalify and score leads to prioritize which ones are most likely to buy.

  6. goal 6

    Convince existing leads to buy.

  7. goal 7

    Learn more about existing customers.